about work
I am a media artist and scientist living and working in Berlin. My artistic practice evolves from nonhuman photography, sensor technology, satellite imagery and glitches and becomes manifest in a spectrum from interactive installations to video art, photography and participatory net art. The works focus on the interplay of technology and its unexpected malfunctions that influence new thinking about media, society and the environment. For the last few years I was fascinated by digital software errors, so-called glitches, which are caused by erroneous source code. I place these abstract and often colorful artifacts at the center of my works and emphasize their aesthetics.
Next to my art I am working as a research associate at Freie Universität Berlin and metaLAB (at) FU Berlin. This position allows me combine and further sharpen my artistic practice with a stronger focus on theoretical issues. I am particularly interested in how the representations of computer programs influence our use of technology and our perception of the world.
I hold a Master in Media Studies, which I studied in Berlin, Lisbon and Potsdam.

Orbital Mirage (solo exhibition). JvB e.V., Berlin. 28.07 – 13.08.2023
Museum Fluxus Plus, Potsdam. 17.05. – 18.06.2023
Hammer show. Zuostant, Berlin. 10.02. – 12.02.2023
un:reale Interaktionsräume. FH Potsdam. 04.11. – 09.11.2022
re:publica 22: Any Way the Wind Blows. Arena Halle, Berlin. 08.06. – 10.06.2022
Pandemie, Digitalität und Alterität: Ich, Du, Wir, Ihr. Schinkelhalle, Potsdam. 06.11.2021
Werkschau: Jahresausstellung 2021. FH Potsdam. 29.10. – 30.10.2021
Klimaschau: Utopien für die Gegenwart. Online Ausstellung, Potsdam. 17.07.2020
Werkschau: Jahresausstellung 2019. FH Potsdam. 12.07. – 13.07.2019
Werkschau: Politiken des Designs. Jahresausstellung 2017. FH Potsdam. 14.07. – 15.07.2017
Glitches as Storytellers – Symbolic Potential of Errors in Satellite Image Depictions of Climate-Affected Environments. Workshop: Digital Mapping of Contemporaneity, Activism & Ecology with ZK/U Berlin – Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik and metaLAB (at) Hardvard & FU Berlin, Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF), 07.12.2023.
(Mit) Glitches Entgleiten. Bildprozessierung und Bugs in Kartierungssoftware. Symposium GLIT©H ::: VERLUSTKONTROLLE [Control of Loss hybr*d lecturƎ pƎrformancƎs __noisy deep islands__, Digitalvilla Potsdam, 04.12.2023.
Glitches und Glühwein. Berlin, 14.12.2022
From Satellite Imagery to Counter Aesthetics – an Open Conversation with Andrea Garcia Vasquez. re:publica 22, Berlin. 09.06.2022
BIG-DADA or DADACALYPSE or so #240. SPEKTRUM art|science|community, Berlin. 15.12.2016
Beste Master-Abschlussarbeit, A Bug Reports Playbook. An Experimental Video on the Aesthetics and Politics of Glitches in the Satellite Imagery of Google Earth, Europäische Medienwissenschaft, Universität Potsdam 2023 (awarded)
Musuem Fluxus+Studis, 2023 (short listed)
Future Now, AESTHETICA ART PRIZE 2023 (long listed)